Salvadori New Look

24 september 2018

Here is how and why we changed our online image.

Salvadori on line: functionality, efficiency and clear communication

Doing well your job also means to be equipped with the best communication tools.
If the job structure changes and the company position mutes, by getting stronger, the same needs to happen to its way to engage with its customers.

This is why we decided to renovate our online image, by focusing on the service we could offer online and by improving our customers care.
Our keywords: - care, sales, assistance – that allowed Salvadori Retreading to become a point of reference in the market, have also been at the base of our website restyling; together with terms as simplicity, organization, and clearness.

A functional website and pleasant to surf, transparent and complete, user-friendly without renouncing to center the attention on our products and our work. A website organized by listening to the needs of who is looking for us and able to represent us in the best way.

Innovation step by step

We centered the redesign of our previous website on a new browsing model, which is now easier and friendlier. A result that has been achieved by logically handling all the different aspects of the website, its appearance and content.

Who reaches our new Home Page finds a Mega Menu: each category has been organized in main product families, for an easy access to what people are looking for. Surfing our website has never been so easy and quick: you can scroll our product categories and rapidly find what you need.
The organization of our products, which are the heart of Salvadori, has obtained the desired result: facilitating our customers in their essential needs, highlighting the wide range of our tools and the great opportunities of integration among them.

Everyone can go deep into the heart of every single item with the help of technical data sheets. Visitors can find useful information supported by photos and videos to simplify further explanations.
In some cases, the datasheet is fitted out with internal connections between products, spare parts, and accessories, suggested in order to facilitate additional researches and to complete the offer and the purchase selection.

Our customer care services and after-sales services are easier to use thanks to new instruments as the Chat and Request Form. Our philosophy of rapid and punctual support has always been our strength and we have integrated it in our website.

We decided to be a company with a contemporary experience and image. For this reason, we focused on graphic design based on lightness and simplicity. The organization of pages and photos adds value to our products and to the information provided. The person who is browsing our site is now simple direct to what matters to him/her.

Salvadori online: a story that is always seeking for renewal

Our online face has changed, but the mutation is the necessary business choice to confirm our history and our mission: 35 years of experience, research and innovation are our engines, and the closeness to our customers, who are situated in 120 countries, is our daily objective.
We decided to choose a website following the ideas of synthesis in the language, clarity in research and users' satisfaction.