Innovate, reading the present and looking far.
In a 35 years lasting story, Salvadori has placed its experience to the service to whom works in the Rubber Business. Not only products but projects and the realization of tire recycling plants.

Our story
Some stories, since their beginnings, bring with them the sings of their own destiny: the Salvadori one, from the start, is full of innovation and creativity, two features of a Company which has that has acquired a central spot in the Tire Retreading and Recycling Business.
It began in 1983, thanks to Giorgio Salvadori, in the Tire Retreading Business: a family project, which had already the goal of Recycling, and that conquered the Italian and German Markets.
In 1990 the first Machines for the Tire Recycling are manufactured, to reduce the tires volume: a need made into a solution.
After that, came the time of the presses to produce new articles out of recycled rubber, which became a true resource: a raw material to create new items.
Now Salvadori works in 120 Countries, supporting companies, and their projects.
A 360° service has been Salvadori’s mission since its beginning: the customer care means providing the highest attention to every request, the assistance starts from the moment an order is received to the after-sales service and includes the listening of specific needs and the creation of ad-hoc requests.
The work of a team that believes in the added value that each person can give to a product and to the company itself.

35 years of experience
we serve our customers in over 120 countries
competence, proficiency, courtesy and punctuality
we speak your language
a wide range of products for the life cycle of rubber